La cicatriz

 Escrito por CATS

A person looking into a mirror, seeing a scar on their forehead. The reflection in the mirror is sad but gentle, with the scar looking back at them. The person has tears in their eyes. The background is softly lit, giving a melancholic, reflective atmosphere. A faint image of a happy place, like a sunny park, is subtly blended into the background, contrasting with the person's emotions, creating a sense of longing and sadness rather than fear.

Tengo una cicatriz en la frente.

Me recuerda que sobreviví.

A veces la olvido.

A veces la miro de reojo y me mira de vuelta.

Me devuelve y de repente estoy llorando allí.

Estoy llorando aquí.

¿Por qué los lugares felices nos dejan cicatrices?
